Friday, April 22, 2011

Forever Young

Today while eating my breakfast of toast and milk the song Forever Young by Jay-Z started playing on my i-pod and I was brought back to my freshman year of college.

I was at Utah State and it was my first week of being in college. So like most all kids I had my own worries of growing up and junk. There are some songs that when I hear them I am reminded of one memory or vivid time in my life. I'm pretty sure most people have those songs. One of those songs is Careless Whisper which I heard on my mission in Sao Paulo, Brasil. In that song the lyrics go "I'm never gonna dance again" and it hit me so hard cause that's 2 years without legit dancing, except for the occasional silent break dance fight with my companion, but besides that it's no dancing for 2 years. My heart pretty much cried when I heard that. Probably one of the biggest times I almost got sad. But that's another story. So anyways, my freshman year I was riding the bus to school and the song Forever Young by Alphaville came on over the radio. That moment was nuts. I remember thinking how I really do want to stay forever young cause more often than not old people bite. I know I have to grow old in age and numbers and crap like that, but I didn't want to actually get old in how I am and become a piece of trash and not have fun.

And that moment is a huge reason of why I am how I am today. Sitting on the bus hearing that song is one of the many experiences that have told me to stay young in how I act and feel. Of course staying young is not being a piece of trash and not working and being a waste of space, but in being young while working and having responsibility and everything too. I think I've done alright so far. I don't really wanna be with the old folks at the family outings and bbq's and stuff talking about boring junk while the kids are off playing ball and eating ice cream and stuff. I hope I'll be wrestling the other kids as long as my old brittle bones will allow me. My bones aren't brittle yet, but they'll be someday probably and then I can use that saying. This decision to try and enjoy life and stay young probably has not helped me in the past with some things cause that gets parents and other old people mad and while some of my friends spend time wooing the ladies I'm off pushing people into bushes and wrestling. That was pretty much my highschool experiences right there. Blake and Ben wooing the ladies, and Chad and Clark goofing around. That means less kisses sometimes, but I'll have eternity to be kissing the ladies, or at least one lady aka my wife, so I'm glad I enjoyed things like blowing stuff up, putting a big ol' fish on people's door step, the nights with LaFawnda R.I.P. (You might hear about her later), blowing more stuff up, wearing loin cloths, and the many other things we did. Anyways, I ramble and the point of the story is to stay young, forever young. That is one of those moments that everytime you hear that song you remember those feelings. I hope I can continue and apply the forever young doctrine while I grow up.

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